Contact Us
Phone/Fax Numbers:
Orchard Office: (603) 756-9800
Orchard Fax: (603) 756-9555
57 Alyson’s Lane
Walpole, NH 03608
Directions to Alyson’s Orchard

Professional photographers must get permission to use the grounds and complete a form, prior to photoshoots.
Alyson’s Orchard Photography Form
Thank you for thinking of Alyson’s Orchard for your photography. We ask that you check in with us in advance in the event we are using heavy equipment or caring for our trees.
Single Day Event — $50.00
Yearly Membership — $500
Pictures can be taken from Dawn to Dusk
Please tag us on facebook and/or instagram if sharing on social media
No private sessions on Saturday or Sunday, September – October due to Weddings Events are in progress and we want to reserve the interest of our Wedding guests.
At the interest of out Wedding Guest, do not intervene or crowd the wedding event
No climbing in trees
No Nudity
I have read, understand and agree to abide by the foregoing conditions for the use of Alyson’s facilities.
Form of Payment: (check one) *Check: _____ *Credit Card (4% fee): _____ *Venmo (alysonsorchard):____
Client Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Address: _____________________________City: ____________________ State: ______ Zip: _____________
Telephone: (h) ( )________________ (w) ( )________________ (cell) ( )_________________
E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________
Credit Card (MC/Visa) ________________________________ Exp. Date: ___/__ Sec. Code: ___ Zip. Code: ___
Name on Credit Card: ____________________________________________________________
Clients Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________________
We have received the following payment for the following:
Single Day Event: __________ Yearly Membership: __________
Accepted by Alyson’s Orchard, Inc. _______________________________________________________________
Directions to Alyson’s Orchard in Walpole NH
From Boston, MA
Take Route 2 West to Route 140 North to Route 12 North. From the West side of Keene, where Route 12 turns sharply to the north at the light, it is 12.9 miles to the entrance to Alyson’s Orchard. Turn right. Our offices are at the top of the hill at 57 Alyson’s Lane. Rochambeau Lodge is located at 611 Wentworth Road, and the Caleb Foster Farmhouse is at 615 Wentworth Road.* (See below)
From Hartford, CT
Take Interstate 91 North to Vermont Exit 5 (Westminster/Walpole) to Route 5 South to Route 123 East to Route 12 South, then 4.3 miles south on Route 12 to the entrance to Alyson’s Orchard. Turn left. Our offices are at the top of the hill at 57 Alyson’s Lane. Rochambeau Lodge is located at 611 Wentworth Road, and the Caleb Foster Farmhouse is at 615 Wentworth Road.
From Hanover, NH
Take Interstate 91 South to Vermont Exit 5 (Bellows Falls) to Route 5 South to Route 123 East to Route 12 South, then 4.3 miles south on Route 12 to the entrance to Alyson’s Orchard. Turn left. Our offices are at the top of the hill at 57 Alyson’s Lane. Rochambeau Lodge is located at 611 Wentworth Road, and the Caleb Foster Farmhouse is at 615 Wentworth Road.
From Manchester, NH
Take Airport Road to Brown Avenue. Turn left onto Interstate 293 North toward Nashua/Bedford. I-293 becomes 101 West. Stay on 101 for 54.4 miles where Route 12 turns sharply to the north at the light. It is 12.9 miles to the entrance to Alyson’s Orchard. Turn right. Our offices are at the top of the hill at 57 Alyson’s Lane. Rochambeau Lodge is located at 611 Wentworth Road, and the Caleb Foster Farmhouse is at 615 Wentworth Road.* (See below)
NOTE: If you wish to map directions from your home to ours using Google Maps online or in a GPS, use 57 Alyson’s Lane, Walpole, NH 03608. Sometimes in older GPS models, 57 Alyson’s Lane gets rejected. In that case, try 615 Wentworth Road and you should arrive at our back entrance.
VERY IMPORTANT: When driving here from the South, if your GPS wants to take you off of Rt. 12 North and on to Old Wentworth Road, DO NOT DO IT! (If you take that turn you will end up on a dirt road where a bridge is closed and will have to turn around.) Stay on Route 12 North and you will come to Alyson’s entrance on the right, in less than 3 miles from that point.